台灣 [改變城市] 台灣招聘台灣 品管安規 招聘台灣 品管/品保主管 招聘 雇主/發佈招聘信息 繁體中文
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LS_266 醫療器材外商_RA/ QA Manager (品保法規主管)


  • 公司規模:暫不提供
  • 公司行業:人力仲介代徵


  • 更新日期:2020-09-07
  • 公司地點:代企業徵才
  • 招聘人數:週休二日
  • 經驗要求:5
  • 學歷:大學以上
  • 語言要求:英文 -- 聽 /精通、說 /精通、讀 /精通、寫 /精通
  • 雇傭類型:全職
  • 其他要求: Key Responsibilities 1. Maintains, sustains and continuously improves the Quality Management System and monitors the performan
  • 職務功能:ISO/品保人員


Key Responsibilities 1. Maintains, sustains and continuously improves the Quality Management System and monitors the performance and health of the Quality Management System through metrics and analytics 2. Responsible for all pre-market registrations / product registration for Taiwan, ensure the products are registered in alignment and compliance with applicable regulations and business objectives 3. Responsible for or together with QA personnel be involved in processes such as maintenance of distribution records, complaint handling, maintenance and service agreements, field actions 4. Work independently and efficiently with regional and global team for Taiwan regulatory needs 5. Ensure accurate and optimal regulatory submissions, and keep a consistent achievement of registration projects in expected schedule 6. Represent the company to interact with regulatory bodies as appropriate; may direct interaction with regulatory agencies on defined matters 7. Monitor regulation developments, update the regulatory requirements on time, and translate regulatory requirements into practical, workable plans 8. Provide other necessary regulatory support to internal departments 9. Leads or compiles all materials required in submissions, license renewal and annual registrations 10. Recommends changes for labeling, manufacturing, marketing, and clinical protocol for regulatory compliance 11. Participates and hosts internal and external audits. May serve as liaison between local health authority and the business 12. Maintains a comprehensive audit readiness program to ensure internal and external quality compliance 13. Maintains knowledge of regulatory changes through regulatory standard management process and close cooperation with regulatory affairs 14. Establish local and regional relationships with regulatory affairs, commercial, and logistics team 15. Maintains quality oversight of local distribution and warehouse management process (assessment, qualification, monitoring)


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