台灣 [改變城市] 台灣招聘台灣 製程規劃 招聘台灣 半導體設備工程師 招聘 雇主/發佈招聘信息 繁體中文
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Manufacturing - SEM manufacturing tech engineer - Tainan - req17551


  • 公司規模:2500人
  • 公司行業:半導體製造業


  • 更新日期:2020-09-04
  • 公司地點:台南市新市區
  • 招聘人數:3人
  • 學歷:大學、碩士
  • 語言要求:不拘
  • 雇傭類型:全職
  • 其他要求: 未填寫
  • 職務功能:半導體設備工程師
  • 福利:我們的精英工程師團隊不斷在科技上尋求創新突破,挑戰科技極限。如果你擅長解決複雜的科技難題,挑戰物理法則,也具備清晰的思維能夠克服危機,歡迎你加入 ASML 的行列。ASML 提供的是一條長遠的職涯規劃,讓公司同仁都能在一個重視永續學習,鼓舞的企業文化,和優


Location Tainan, Taiwan Degree Master Experience 0-2 years Team Manufacturing Job category Physics Travel 30% Reference req17551 Job Description Scope of the role General scope of the role: * Participates in projects * PGP scope: from module to sub system * Works under supervision of manager * Second line support on Assy/Test/Trouble Shoot/Fabrication related issues and problems * Drives the solution of a technical issue blocking the production progress and improves related documentation/ process descriptions/ manuals Team structure * NL: 15 - 30 Engineers in group/within competence 3 - 6 colleagues * US: 5-15 Engineers in group/within competence 3 - 6 colleagues Key interfaces * Internal: within department (e.g. GL/PL) Across departmental (e.g. D&E/ IE: Engineer/ Project Lead) Personal skills Functional competencies and skills * Is able to work according standard work procedures and standard work package (if applicable the TAKT) * Is able to work according standard rules and procedures and is able to make a contribution to planning and processes * In case of unusual situations, able to interpret and analyze situation and executes work accordingly * Is responsible for contributing in optimizing processes within own competence * Is responsible for quick resolution of technical disturbance in the factory * Is able to solve problems and improves standard way of working to avoid specific issues in the future * Is able to use own developed skills (experience on the job) to find optimal solution for specific problems and resolve them * Is able to advise across departments on potential direction of solution/ improvement within technical expertise area * Has in-depth technical knowledge of competence: knows the effects of deviations within sub system/module on performance of that sub system/ module Leadership and behavioral competencies and skills * Has the responsibility to understand, influence and support others based on professional knowledge and arguments * Is able to train colleagues of Production Technician/ first line support in their competence and transfers knowledge * Is able to explain and present technical matters within competence group and towards the key interfaces * Is able to communicate in a clearly and effective way (e.g. giving guidance, feedback, listening skills) Specific for Trouble shooters: Responsible for quick resolution of technical disturbance in the factory, therefore: * Manages all required resources to enable the fastest solution (escalation team: D&E, PE, VIS, IE) * Chairs escalation meeting * Delegates actions to members from escalation team * Is able to update key interfaces concerning status, progress and impact (daily)


總部位於荷蘭的ASML (台灣艾司摩爾) 是全球最大晶片微影設備市場的翹楚,為半導體製造商提供微影設備及相關服務。全球十大半導體廠皆為ASML的客戶。ASML是一個國際化的企業,在微影設備市場的佔有率達80%以上,用於研發的支出以員工人均計算名列歐洲第二。2018年的全球銷售額逾109億歐元。35年來,ASML透過和客戶及供應商的緊密合作,搭配上高效能的營運流程,以及來自全球的優秀員工,逐步開創了我們在晶片微影領域的技術領先地位。ASML 致力成為全球主要半導體製造商之重要夥伴,協助其設計研發及整合高階系統,開發可用於各類資訊科技產品、行動通訊及物聯網相關產品的晶片。 ASML聚集全球頂尖人才來服務客戶 面對摩爾定律所帶來的技術挑戰,ASML 彙集了來自全球物理、電子、機電、軟體與精密技術領域最具有創造力的人才,不斷挑戰技術極限,讓終端消費者能夠用合理的價格買到更強大、更小巧、更便宜和更節能的電子設備,進而提升人類的生活品質。 ASML致力於為員工打造最佳工作環境,讓全球優秀的工程師樂於在此工作、交流、學習和分享。ASML開放、尊重與創新導向的企業文化,不僅促進員工與同儕及主管間的率直討論、相互學習,更讓ASML能夠持續維持技術領先優勢。作為領導企業,ASML相當重視企業公民責任和企業承諾,除了基金會捐款和企業贊助,我們也鼓勵各國員工主動發起募款或志工活動來回饋當地社會。 ASML在全球16個國家設有70個辦公室,員工超過24,000人,來自123個國家。ASML在台灣員工逾 2,500人,於新竹、台中、台南設有辦公室,並在林口設有卓越創新中心,負責機台翻修與量測設備生產,於台南則設有電子束檢測設備製造廠。 Hsinchu: 新竹市公道五路三段1號11樓 Linkou: 桃園縣龜山鄉華亞科技園區科技六路59號 Taichung: 台中市西屯區台灣大道路四段925號13F Tainan: 台南市新市區國際路13號C棟1樓 ASML在阿姆斯特丹泛歐交易所及納斯達克上市,股票代碼"ASML"。更多關於ASML及其產品、職缺,請參閱 :


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