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HR Specialist


  • 公司規模:暫不提供
  • 公司行業:汽機車及其零配件/用品零售業


  • 更新日期:2020-08-13
  • 公司地點:台北市內湖區
  • 招聘人數:1人
  • 經驗要求:2
  • 學歷:大學、碩士
  • 語言要求:英文 -- 聽 /精通、說 /精通、讀 /精通、寫 /精通
  • 雇傭類型:全職
  • 其他要求: 1. 2+ years working experiences in human resources, with bachelor/master degree in human resources management are preferred. 2
  • 職務功能:人力資源助理
  • 福利:● 休假制度 -週休二日 -勞基法特休/年假 -女性產檢假5日、男性陪產假5日 ● 保險 -到職當日員工勞、健保及眷屬加保 -到職當日員工享24小時不分國內外團體保險(壽險、意外險) ● 退休金 -


As a HR Specialist, you will act as a HR Generalist to support HR team on a range of HR functions, including: 1. Maintain, develop, implement and communicate human resource policies. 2. Facilitate employee relations and enhance the communication with employees. 3. Assist recruitment process and campus recruitment. 4. Assist in arranging training courses, evaluating training effectiveness and maintaining employee training records. 5. Assist in leave calculation, maintenance and notice. 6. Be responsible for payroll calculation related worksheets and process. 7. Support HR system implementation (depend on project schedule). 8. Administrative affairs support.


臺灣蒙地拿股份有限公司是Ferrari法拉利與Maserati瑪莎拉蒂在臺灣唯一的授權代理商,負責Ferrari與Maserati在臺灣地區的銷售、行銷與售後服務等項目。自2005年起引進全球最富盛名的義大利品牌 Ferrari 與Maserati,臺灣蒙地拿位居臺灣跑車市場的領先地位,累積了相當的層峰客戶基礎,更致力於提供高規格的售後服務,並於台北、台中、高雄完成原廠規格的售後服務暨展示中心。 Modena Motori Taiwan values excellence, innovation and talented individuals. We are constantly on the lookout for talented individuals who can make a valuable contribution to the success of our products. This is the only way to attain excellence: combining unmistakable tradition with relentless commitment to innovation. We see change as an opportunity and every problem as a challenge. We also encourage employees to express their opinions, which we believe is the key to successful teamwork.


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